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PICPA Membership

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Everyone must register again in order for PICPA to have a complete and correct information. If you are a user of the previous PICPA portal, please enter your PRC number and click the Forgot Password link. You will then receive a verification link to complete your information.
Please contact the PICPA Membership Division at membership@picpa.com.ph and inform the corrected information. They will assist you with your membership information.

To inquire about your annual dues, please contact the membership division at membership@picpa.com.ph.

It will be decommissioned this year so everybody is encouraged to sign up for the new PICPA MEL System. All members should have an account in this database.
There are three options for payment:

The first option is to go to the website and click “online payment.” You will be redirected to our online payment gateway, where you can pay via bank transfer or using e-wallet.

Second, go to the bank and pay your balance. Send a screenshot as proof of payment, and our cashier will verify it and cross-check it with our bank

Third, go directly to your local Chapter and pay the cashier. Following payment, you should receive an email confirming that your annual dues have been posted.
You can visit and pay directly to your Chapter, by depositing money into the Chapter’s bank account and uploading the proof of payment.
Generally, yes. Except within three (3) months before and after election date or if you have already paid your membership dues to the Chapter. You can only change your Chapter in the following fiscal year.

Yes. Simply go to your profile and generate a Certificate of Good Standing. It may require you to pay a certain fee.


Yes. Chapters will publish events in the MEL System portal, where you can register. You can pay online or via bank transfer.

Yes. There’s a Certificate section in your membership portal where you will see all the certificates after attending PICPA seminars.

Yes. Members are encouraged to encode their certificate accreditations from other providers using Manual CPD.

Check if you have met all of the requirements for receiving your certificate. You should participate in answering the post-exam and speaker evaluation form. The certificate will be available once these are completed.

You can get a printed copy of the certificate from our online shop. You can choose the type of certificate and pay online or via bank transfer.